In this episode of Inside Startup Investing, Chris Lustrino speaks with John Panaccione, CEO of Folla Capital, a company specializing in regulatory crowdfunding. Panaccione discusses the evolution of crowdfunding, the impact of recent regulatory changes, and how Folla Capital helps startups navigate this landscape. He emphasizes the importance of extensive due diligence for securing investment, whether through traditional methods or crowdfunding. He also highlights the different strategies required for startups with different exit strategies and growth targets. This insightful discussion offers a deep dive into the world of crowdfunding and its growing relevance in startup investing.
Topics include…
- How regulatory changes have expanded the pool of potential investors for startups (9:30-11:50)
- How Folla Capital helps startups navigate the crowdfunding landscape, offering services ranging from choosing the right crowdfunding exemption to preparing for due diligence (16:20-18:00)
- The importance of extensive due diligence when seeking investment, regardless of whether a startup is seeking funding through traditional channels or via crowdfunding (21:40-23:16)
- Different strategies that startups may need to employ depending on their exit strategies and growth targets (26:08-27:34).