If you’re a regular KingsCrowd user, you may have noticed that we no longer publish the “New Deals for the Week.” But that doesn’t mean you can’t still keep track of new deals!

The easiest way to access new deals is to visit our company search page. New companies are added to the search table every day, with the newest companies automatically listed at the top of the table. You can check the start date and browse the different companies by simply scrolling through the table.

You can also use the “Momentum” filter on the company search table to check out which companies are getting the most attention. 

If you’re interested in searching for specific types of companies, you can also filter by industry, social impact, valuation, founder type, and more.

Another option is to check out our trending companies page. New raises are listed at the top of the page. You can scroll through the companies listed there or view them all here.

Happy investing!