
  • Companies with multiple founders are often attractive to investors, particularly if they have complementary skill sets or have previous experience together.

  • In today’s Chart of the Week, we take a look at companies in the equity crowdfunding landscape that have founders with shared prior experience together.

  • This can be anything from being related, married, or working together at a prior company or on a previous startup.

  • Interestingly enough, we find that companies with shared founder experience demand higher valuations, with the average valuation at $61 million. However, when looking at the median, we see that the valuations are identical at $15 million.


  • Similarly, when looking at the average amount raised, we see that companies with shared founder experience raise slightly more on average at around $559,000. Again, when comparing the medians, we see that they are very similar.

  • Overall, when looking at the medians, valuation and amount raised seem to be pretty identical for companies with shared founder experience vs. no shared founder experience.